

Zachary Wilder – tenor
Eduardo Egüez – lute
Ensemble La Chimera

“No one is indifferent to Dowland’s Lachrimae.
Hypnotic, sharp, pitiless, redeeming: with the pleasure of an almost taxonomic cataloguing Dowland leads us into the gallery of the different natures of weeping, where instead of paintings we find mirrors, exact portraits of our own individual and unique feeling.

Many theories have been ventured on this enigmatic collection, one of the most interesting being that it is a crypto-liturgy of Catholic Maundy Thursday to win the favor of Queen Anne; or that it is a reflection of the theories of melancholy very much in vogue at the time.

Whatever the motive behind this collection, every listener will find in it the possibility of a dense introspective journey, guided – but subtly, without impositions – by extremely evocative titles, to which one can give an autobiographical meaning: ancient tears, forced tears, lover’s tears…

Within the constant oscillation between the profane and the sacred, between nihilism and redemption, sometimes dazzling landscapes of light appear, like landscapes barely revealed by a flash in the middle of a thunderstorm, Hindemith would say: moments of sublime joy, of euphoria almost, where tears – as foretold in the preface – will rise from happiness.

For our reading we were inspired by the epigram on the cover page “Aut Furit, aut Lachrimat, quem non Fortuna beavit” (“O si infuria o pianto, chi non è benedetto dalla Sorte”):  we have conceived a retrospective story punctuated by dances and songs, the story of a man at his deathbed and the accounts he makes with his own Destiny”.

Margherita Pupulin - violinist



  • Sir Henry Upton’s Funerall
  • Now, o Now I needs must part
  • King of Denmark’s galliard
  • Lachrimae Antiquae
  • O Sweet Woods
  • Mr Bucton’s Galliard
  • Lachrimae Antiquae Novae
  • Dear, if you change
  • Lachrimae Gementes
  • Mr. Henry Noel his Galliard
  • If my complaints
  • Lachrimae Tristes
  • Mr. Giles Hobies Galliard
  • Lachrimae Coactae
  • His Golden Locks
  • M. George Whitehead his Almand
  • Lachrimae Amantis
  • Go Crystal Tears
  • Sir John Souch, his Galliard
  • Lachrimae Verde
  • Flow my tears
  • Semper Dowland semper dolens

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